
Because I love you_Shakin Stevens

加入 2008-10-25 15:39:52 | 长度: 3分18秒 | 类别: 歌曲
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If I got down on my knees and
I pleaded with you
If I crossed a million oceans
just to be with you
Would you ever let me down?
If I climbed the highest mountain
just to hold you tight
If I said that I would love you
every single night
Would you ever let me down?
Well I&9m sorry if it sounds kinda sad,
it&9s just that Worried
so worried that you let me down
Because I love you, love you Love you,
so don&9t let me down
If I swam the longest river just
to call your name
If I said the way I feel for you
would never change
Would you ever fool around
Well I&9m sorry if it sounds kinda bad,
just that Worried,
I&9m so worried that you let me down
Well I&9m sorry if it sounds kinda bad,
just that Worried,
I&9m so worried that you let me down
Because i love you,love you ,love you
love you

关键字:  Shakin   Stevens